Deanna Harbeck

Chairperson Scholarship Committee

Deanna Harbeck has been working as a Registered Nurse (RN) for over 20 years in various hospital specialty areas including surgical and urology, as well as various Intensive Care Units (ICUs) such as medical, burns, and bone marrow. She has also served as a heart transplant nurse.

Deanna has a B.S.N. from Iowa Wesleyan University as well as years of continuing education in numerous areas of nursing and healthcare.

With too many volunteer hours to count, Deanna has devoted most of her spare time to helping wherever needed throughout the Summit Hill School District 161 schools, the Gym-Kinetics Gymnastics Team and Booster Club, and the United Methodist Church of New Lenox where she has served many roles including Sunday School Teacher and Vacation Bible School Teacher. She has also served on numerous committees, taken time to visit with area shut-in’s, and has spent countless hours serving the homeless at the Morning Star Mission.

Maddie was a huge part of the Harbeck family’s life through years of friendship, as well as her competing on team with all three of their daughters. Deanna wants to continue her dedication to service to others by helping remember Maddie’s impact and help further that memory so it continues to impact others.