Cyndi Grobmeier


Cyndi Grobmeier is on faculty in the Department of Communication at Saint Xavier University in Chicago where she has worked since 2003. In addition to teaching courses in the Strategic Communication major, she is the Director of the Basic Public Speaking Course Program and serves on the General Education Committee.

Her passion for education began during her undergraduate career at Saint Xavier where she earned her BA in Public Relations and Advertising with a minor in Art. She has an MA in Communication Studies from Governor’s State University and is completing her Ed.D. in Adult and Higher Education at Northern Illinois University. She has a Master of Online Certificate from the University of Illinois and is an active author and presenter at professional conferences in both the fields of communication and education assessment.

Cyndi is a life-long volunteer—having served on the Board of Directors of the Summit Hill Education Foundation, as Chairperson for various committees in the Lincoln Way High School Music Program, and as a member of numerous scholarship committees.

She is also a consultant with Red Mouse Consulting—specializing in online training development.

Cyndi and her husband founded the Maddog Strong Foundation after their daughter Maddie suffered an acute asthma attack just two days before her 18th birthday which left her brain dead. A serious car accident just months earlier had prompted Maddie to have a conversation with her parents about her decision to be an organ donor. Cyndi is committed to bringing her 24 years of teaching experience to the Foundation’s mission of educating teens and their families about the importance of having that conversation.