Sam Grobmeier

Social Media Coordinator and Founder of Students for H.O.P.E

Sam Grobmeier is a current student at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts majoring in Drama (Musical Theatre & Film Acting) with a minor in Producing. Sam has expertise in video production, public service scriptwriting, and social media communication through her 5+ years of freelance work experience with various organizations.

Sam participated in the Tisch School of the Arts Women’s Mentorship Program at New York University, is actively involved as a founding board member of Playground Production Co-Op, and works part-time at NYU’s Graduate Acting School. During her high school career, Sam worked with special needs teens as an Adaptive P.E. Leader and in the music department, where she also served in numerous leadership positions and earned multiple awards and scholarships for her compassionate service to others. 

Sam is committed to the mission of the Foundation, not only to honor the memory of her younger sister Maddie who passed away from a sudden asthma attack just two days after her 18th birthday, but to help other teens understand the life-saving gift organ donation brings to so many. She firmly believes that her generation will be the generation of change, and she cannot wait to contribute to that.